Hello Everybody,
1) Read Unit 7 (Universal Grammar) from your book and visit the following links:
2) Then answer the following questions:
1. If you already know a second language and start learning a third, what is the initial state?
2. What is the Criticism to UG? Answer this question by referring to Piraha People in particular.
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1.The initial state is that the person who is learning the third language will make use of some of the clues from both L1 and L2. According to UG, there are common features of each language such as subject,verb, object etc... On the other hand we have parameters which are variables in languages meaning that there are some differences specific to languages. When you start learning a third language, you will go for the universal grammar. If your second language includes some features of the third language, then you will need negative evidence. Also, the opposite of this sitauation can occur. In that way you will be in need of positive evidence. I can examplify this issue from our Bulgarian class. Like in Turkish, in Bulgarian it is sometimes possible not to use subject as the verb has a function of indicating the subject in itself. For this rule, I made a positive transfer from my native tongue. Namely, I used parameters not principles of UG. While learning Bulgarian, we also made use of some rules in sentence formation. According to this rule, both in Turkish and Bulgarian sentence order can be altered as the verbs are inflectional. Applying this rule to English would be a negative transfer. To sum up it can be said that while learning a foreign language your learning experience is easier when the parameters of the two languages go hand in hand.
2. UG advocates some common grammar features of all natural languages. From the example of Piraha people’s language, I can say that some very very basic things for most of the languages are missing in that particular language such as numerals, past time reference, subordinate clauses, colours.. and very strikingly a borrowed pronuon set. the researches indicate Piraha people can’t achieve counting to ten. When this is the case, I am very doubtful about the existence of UG. Because those people won’t be able to learn any other language as their background knowledge is not enough to meet the counterparts of the rules. Since they do not have those concepts in their mind. But at the same time I can say that it can be just an exception.(?) I’m not so sure…
when come to learning a second foreing language after the first the initial state is the making inferences from the rules that we create after learning the first foreign language,we make some rules about L1 and L2 or interlanguage and we can make use of this in learning the others but if the language families are same it is easy like bulgarian if the families are different it is difficult to learn and use the past data we have gathered from the other language.If We think about our condition we started learning Bulgarian as soon as we start we captured some rules about that language and we put them into practice even if we don’t understand any thing from the sentences all the same we do them in a grammatical way in this spot We have to give right to Chomsky because his theory show itself as a true because as in the english ,bulgarian has same type of rules and order so from this aspect UG theory has its own power showing good results of what the theory itself suggest.In short, UG is an important role in learning new languages…
“The Pirahã people have no history, no descriptive words and no subordinate clauses. That makes their language one of the strangest in the world -- and also one of the most hotly debated by linguists.”I think it is very difficult to believe such a statement in normal conditions who can imagine a world without numbers,colors..etc.ıt is an evidence which oppose to Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar according to it every language has the same types of rules which compose the nucleous of that language.But,we come across some differences especially when thinking about Piraha people.”this language is alleged to lack all evidence for recursion, including embedded clauses, as well as quantifiers and color terms”As we see,this language is very very different from the foreign language that we used to.We all learn foreign languages starting from Subject verb aggrement,tenses then numbers the the order is same everytime but this time the order must a bit change if we decide to learn the Piraha.this language has very different rules in fact.
According to chomsky,there must be a meaningful relationship of rules in every language for example, Sen kimsiniz… it is ungrammatical for us,and we can add many example like that.But Piraha language is an exception maybe one can come across with another languages that resemble the Piraha when go into the deeper and unexplored parts of the Amazons.I think I do not succeed telling or impoving the reasons of this differences but may be it stems from the languages that died before years so Chomsky made such an hypothesis or maybe he only searched for a specific region language not all part of the world as we know there are many language families and numerous languages.But as understood from the information UG theory is not fully correct but still very meaningful and acceptable.And still I cant believe the existence of a language that has no color and number concept it impossible to live without it so I really wonder how they can succeed getting on well with each other!!!
3233050007 (ÇAP)
1) While learning a third language, the initial step might be transfer or access to UG. First of all, the learner might have an access to UG: According to Chomsky, all languages are structured (in all languages a sentence is formed with a subject, a verb and an object). Those common features are called principles. Yet, there are some linguistic differences from a language to another. Those are parameters. When, the features of the third language are also in the second language, the learner will only need some input. That’s positive evidence. When it is the contrast, the learner will need correction (negative evidence)
On the other hand, the learner might make some transfers. Above all, while making a transfer, the learner will transfer the most similar knowledge of acquired languages. Let’s think about a learner who, apart from his / her native language (let’s say Turkish), has already learnt at least two languages (let’s say English and French), and he / she is learning a third target language (for example German). This person will transfer the knowledge of masculine and feminine articles from French, because neither in English nor in Turkish this difference exists. On the other hand, as German and English are from same families there are many words that are recognizable. This time, the learner will make use of his / her English lexical knowledge but not the French one.
If the new language (the third language that is going to be learnt) is from the same family of one of the languages already acquired, then the learner will transfer his / her knowledge to the new language. For example, in Bulgarian the plural we change the last vowel of the noun to “i” while we are making it plural (for example kotska à kotski). That is the same in Italian. (for example ragazzo->ragazzi)
However, if the new language has no similarity with the acquired ones, the errors will arise due to negative transfer. In this case, the learner, testing the rule his /her acquired language, will need a correction. Hence, the learner will have negative evidence. For instance, the place of adverbs in English is restricted while in Italian we can put the adverb wherever we want. A person who has acquired Italian and who learns English might face with some problems, because he / she will put the adverb in any place. Yet, in English that order will be wrong. In this case, the learner will need some correction.
2) According to UG, there are some features common in all languages. However, this is not valid for Piraha language; because in this language there are not numbers, any color notions and subordinate clauses. As Geoffry Sampson points out “The grammatical generalizations made are simply observations about existing languages and not predictions about what is possible in a language.”
On the other hand, if ,as Chomsky and nativits point emphazises, all human are born with a spacific competence of acquiring languages, Piraha people should also learn the numbers taught by Daniel Everett.
While learning a third language we are transfering our knowledge and accessing to new learned language.According to Chomsky there is universal grammar,principles and parameters.There are common features in each languages(subject,verb,object)So as being in our bulgarian lesson,L1 or L2 help us to learn or teach L3.We use english while learning bulgarian grammar because of their same rules and this is called as positive evidence but in some aspects in bulgarian we dont have to use the subject(it is not same with english,negative evidence)so we must make a correction or access to L1(turkish)because in turkish only the verb can give the meaning like in bulgarian language.Moreover while ı was learning german ı found it very easy because of the english knowledge of mine but ı had difficulty in learning the articles of german(die,der,das)(negative evidence)and also there is no helping verb while making a question in german.
There are a lot of evidence that shows the presence of UG.I think only Piraha people can not make it wrong.As we have seen that geography,culture and social life affect the language.Language is created by the presence of the needs.Piraha people dont use numbers or colors in their language maybe they dont need to count or there is no hierarchy there and they dont need to use adjectives or different,various names for each other:)I dont know if they have the word of money but if there was no need to money in our country ı wouldnt count,too:)
1) If one knows a second language and tries to learn a third one, the initial state would be making a comparision of that languages in his mind to make transfers while learning it.That’s why the mind observes both L1 and L2 to find if there are any similarities on the basis of structure to learn it easier. As we know from the hypothesis of Piaget ; we always need our old information to learn a new one. Learning a lang may be associated with this as well. Because it is true that the learner needs some help from his bacground knowledge to learn the lang easily. So, while learning a third language we apply to the structures that resembles to the ones in target language.Sometimes the parameters , the order of words in building a sentence are alike in some languages. For example: If one learns German after learning English he may have no problem in accessing the rules and using them. Because they are exactly same as they are from the same family. In english he says: I play football, in German he says: Ich spiele fussball
As it is seen there lots of similarities both in the structure and in the lexical properties of that languages. So making transfer from L2 will be usefull and it will provide a positive evidence for the learner.
But if the same person tries to learn Turkish, making transfers will make no use. Because parameters and rules are really different in Turkish from English and German. In such situation he may apply to universal grammar to be able to use a completely different structure. In that sense it may be true that smt called “UG” exists because if it wasn’t like that such a person would no chance in learning Turkish.
2)We know that all languages are a bit structure depended and they all need subjects, verbs, objects, adjectives etc. to build sentences, even though the order of them differ from language to language. But the question here is how we acquire them. It may be true that we innately have those structures in our minds and the structures are put in order according to the language spoken in the area we are borned in. In my previous text i concluded that it may be true that there is a universal grammar in our minds because smt people learn completely different languages. This may be true but we can not say that lang is completely innate and is not affected by the environment. Here a criticisim aganist Chomsky appears. In contrast I think that language mostly affected by the environment where people grows and it is shaped according to the needs, believes, relationships of people. I mean, culture has a tremendous effect on one’s acquiring his language. When we observe Piraha people we see that they have not a count system and they do not even know what subbordinate clauses are because they don’t use it and because in that society everyone speaks like that which means there is no source for negative evidence for them. Here the idea that supports Ug becomes weak, because if there was a Universal Grammar their lang would have the same system like others.
This may also be true that they have forgotten the rules or structures ,which were in their minds previously, as they didn’t use them till their critical period.I don’t know but it is just an assumption but at least, it shows how environment affects peoples language.
In the first lessons,we have especially focused on the transfer from the native language to second such as avoidance and overproductıon.but,some clues taken from the second are also existent in learning a third language that is called initial state of the learner.for example,if a learner who knows English starts to learn GReek,the negative transfer from the second is dominant.In english,subject comes in the beginning of the sentence and plays a great role in sentence meaning.on the other hand,greek learners do not use subject most of the time.the subject is understood from the different supplements of verbs.indeed,we conclude that relatedness is a determining factor to be able to learn any language.A child can learn any language easily but a learner can't aqually learn the third language.A turkish speaker whose second language is ENGlish may have less difficulty in learning French than they do Chinese.
2)universal gramar is thought to be an innate system that contains the rules or propertıes of all human languages.many studies about the order of acquısıtıon of morphemes and the stages from babbling to the critical period can be an evidence for the truth OF UG.for instance,in throughout the world all children first begin to use'present progressive and then simple past tense'.but,the language of Piraha people is an exceptıon.the linguıst Everett argues that they don't have descrıptıve words and subordinate clauses.it is thought that Piraha people are likely the first that don't use subordinate clauses.moreover,they dont have the concept of numbers and time.Until I hear that lang.,I believed in UG completely.maybe,chomsky has supported UG without investigating all the languages in the world.I think more investigatıons should be done in the Amazons in order to reach a clear definitıon.
The initial stage when I started to learn third language is finding similarities from this language from the other languages I know. For German I use English because of its resemblances to German. It makes easier for learning but sometimes this can cause some mistakes like instead of ist I used is. Positive and negative evidence can occur this way. I construct new parameters when the language rules are different from my old information.
I agree with the UG that the language is innate and lad exists. And also ug explains how Japanese or Turkish babies acquire language inspite of their differences. It is clear that we have something in common with other languages. Coming to piraha language, I concluded that their being isolated and living primitively from modern life, they may not the same necessities that we have. For example, instead of counting meat they have by one by, they prefer to count them according to requirement of themselves. Also colors may not be important to them because of they have no colorful or beautiful clothes as I see the picture and they have no house like us so that they can use different colors. Therefore according to their needs language can be formed. The thing that Chomsky ignores can be the effect of culture and lifestyle on language.
1-) Learning a third language cannot be thought without the effect of language 1 and 2.These are all together and have effects on the others, because human brain needs to do that.When new information is given, brain tries to give meaning in order to save permanently.I mean, all information in our brains is cumulative.Neurons are connected to each other and new information is got.So, we learn by making links between new and old data.The same principle is true for language learning, as well.We already acquire L1 and learn L2.If start learning L3, we perceive language rules by comparing with the rules of L2 and this makes learning easier.Moreover, people learn L2 and L3 better if L1,L2 or L3 are from the same language family.Also, we may pronounce the term 'constructivism' at this point, since constructivism is described as the web of a spider.In conclusion, while learning the initial state is knitting webs between rules, structures, words, etc.
2-) Universal grammar claims that at least some aspects of language learning involve innateness.In other words, all languages have same basic features which make a language language.However, this is not true according to me.Maybe, I can say it was true before the discovery of Piraha People.There are lots of reasons for my opinion.For instance, they have no relative clause or grammatical recursion.Furthermore, they do not count and language has not words for pricise numbers.This situation tells us something: There are two options.One is that Piraha People are exception.The other is that there cannot be a theory like Universal Grammar.For this reason, linguistics has a long path to be discovered, so that linguists must study more and more...
1)While learning second language,I tried to find similar parts with my native language and this process is same for the third language learning.For example;while learning German,I tried to find similarities with English and I was succussful.For example;the sentence structure was same, some vocabularies resemble eachother.Firstly, I learn similar parts and it is very easy. Then different parts are taken into consideration.Moreover, while learning Bulgarian,I found similarities between English and it was to easy to learn Bulgarian.For instance; Negative in Bulgarian is done with 'ne' and it comes after subject,in English it is same e.g. in Bulgarian 'Az ne iskam' in English 'I don't want'.When we look at the order,we see it is same so it is somehow easy to learn Bulgarian after learning English.Lastly,the initial state is finding similarities between the new and the old languages I know.
2)Universal grammar states that all languages have some basic features which are same in all languages.When a Turkish baby is born,its possibility to learn Turkish,Arabic or English is at the same level or an Arabic baby can learn Turkish without any difficulty.These are because of Universal grammar.According to Chomsky,language is innate,I also believe that.However, when we see Piraha people,we understand that there are something beyond universal grammar,and there are something that Chomsky ignores.Piraha people live in an isolated place and as there is no communication and connection with the cultures and people around the world,their language is very limited.Think that everything you have is black and everyone has black things around you,then can you learn other colours?Such a thing can be thought for Piraha People and their language's difference comes from cultural and some environmental effects.I think they are not open to external world so their language is limited.Finally,Universal grammar lacks in cultural and environmental effects on languages so it is not able to clarify Piraha's language.
1)while learning the third language,the previous knowledge of our native and second language is fairly effective on our third language training.If these languages are close to each other from the point of structures or vocabularies,then it can be learned more easily by making inferences.However,if the third one is more different than others,then some problems can occur,for instance,learning time can be longer and moredifficult.But,universal grammar operateon this point,İf the learner is aware of that all languages have same basic features,s/he stiil makes use of his previous knowledge in the process.the difference only lies at the structure of these languages.the biggest problem is indeed to become aware of to what extent the third language is close to other previous language.after this point,it is easy to decide the initial state.
2)piraha people have a limited language to express themselves,but theycan reach their basic necessities,,actually this limited language is a result of their lifesyle and culture since it doesn t allow abstract thoughts or complex expressions,so we can conclude that their languages is limited as a result of inadequate exposure.so we still claim the existence of universal grammar,it already includes basic features of languages such as subject,verb,object,etc.
ı believe that if piraha people get enough exposure to their language,they have a strong language..
The initial stage is about the effects of his second and native language on learning third language.some languages that are related to eachother are learnt easily.for example,an individual who knows english as a second language learn French more easily than chinese.on the other hand,negative transfer from the second leads to the students to have more problems in accuracy.they cam mix the order of morphemes because of thinking its translation in turkish and say'ali football plays'etc.
Universal grammar supported by Chomsky argues that all languages have the same properties and grammar rules.for example;subject,verb and object are all exist in different languages in throughout the world.also,a child acquıre his/her native language in the same order no matter what his nationality is.but,when I heard about piraha people,Igot shocked.because they have no subordinate clauses and concept of time.moreover,they do not know colours and can not count.a linguıst who try to teach numbers there is unfortunately unsuccessful.relative clause is also nonexistent in the Amazons.I think Chomsky has not supported U.G by looking at all languages.piraha lang.is an exceptıon that comes after his studıngs.so new investigatıons should be done as soon as possible in order to have a clear definitıon.
social,cultural and eeconomic factors are very important in language acquısıtıon.maybe,the environment of piraha is different and they have little relatıons with other countries.so,they may not have the concept of numbers or colours..
As chomsky says:"UG consists of a highly structured and restrictive system of principles with certain open parameters, to be fixed by experience." The principles relate to the sameness in all languages in terms of structure: subject, verb and object, the parameters whereas refer to the differences in languages in terms of syntax.
The initial state accordingly for learning a third language is due to the already gained principles and the restricted number of parameters not too difficult for the learner, "all you have to do is putting the parameters in order according to the target language".
So, let´s imagine my native language is German the second language is Turkish and the third language to be learnt would be English. All principles in these languages are the same but some basic parameters differ. Positive transfer could be done from German into English due to same syntax order SVO, but not from Turkish to English because the parameters differ E=SVO T=SOV, negative transfer from Turkish into English produces errors. With a perspective on the subset principle the sameness of German and English is not valid for all structures, so the learner has to arrow certain rules down which could be more difficult than to expand new rules.
What is critized is the perspective of UG that all language have the same principle but differ in parameters. In the example of the Piraha people it is evident that they do not even have the same principles as Chomsky claims to be found in all languages. But as I referred to in Chomsky´s statement in the beginning "...fixed by experience",the Piraha people do not have the principles in their postive evidence and so they cannot order them by experience. We have an example that negative evidence does not work "I takED a cookie" therefore the teaching of numbers won´t be successful. What would be an interesting research is if a new born Piraha baby with the positive evidence of (Portugese)numbers will be able to count or if its really an evolutionary phenomen.
ı do not learn a thırth language now ,but ıf ı learned ı thınk,( takıng ınto consıderatıon of UG),ıf parameters of thırth language were sımılar to the second language ,ı belıeve ı would learn more easıly.because ı would make more assossıatıons,that ıs second language learnıng would make to learn the thırth one easıer to learn.however,of course stıll ıt depends on the sımılarıtıes of parameters.for ınstance ,ı know englısh now as my second language and ı know sth about germany even ıf a lıttle, when ı struggle to learn germany deeply ıt wıll perfectly be easıer for me to learn, because englısh grammer ıs mostly the same as the germany grammer .that ıs ımmedıately same parameters. so, the ınıtıal state for me would be to see the sımılarıtıes between these two and progress makıng assossıatıons.3231060009
1-)the first step is to associate wıth the similaritıes and dıfferences between L1and L2. When we have ın a dıffıculty or a complex situatıon, we can use some clues from both of them. As an example,ın our acquısıtıon lesson , Mr. can trıed to teach us Bulgarıan.The ınıtıal state we can try to assocıate wıth Englısh to keep ın our mınd ımmedıately.
2)Unıversal geammer is a theory of lınguıstıcs basıng prıncıples of grammar shared by all languages .Its aım is to explaın language acquısıtıon .Accordıng to piraha language, ıt shows propertıes allegedly unexpected under current vıews of UG.Thıs language has not yet evıdence. As ıt ıs known, UG has common features from all languages.I thınk UG ıs not exıst for pıraha language because the best easy example they can not count to ten.
1-)the first step is to associate wıth the similaritıes and dıfferences between L1and L2. When we have ın a dıffıculty or a complex situatıon, we can use some clues from both of them. As an example,ın our acquısıtıon lesson , Mr. can trıed to teach us Bulgarıan.The ınıtıal state we can try to assocıate wıth Englısh to keep ın our mınd ımmedıately.
2)Unıversal geammer is a theory of lınguıstıcs basıng prıncıples of grammar shared by all languages .Its aım is to explaın language acquısıtıon .Accordıng to piraha language, ıt shows propertıes allegedly unexpected under current vıews of UG.Thıs language has not yet evıdence. As ıt ıs known, UG has common features from all languages.I thınk UG ıs not exıst for pıraha language because the best easy example they can not count to ten.
1) The initial state of learning a third language changes according to the native language, second language and the language family of the third language. For me, whose native language is Turkish and L2 is English, learning German is quite difficult. Although German has some similarities between both Turkish and English; the grammar, in fact all the culture and way of thinking are so different that sometimes I can’t find a connection :)
Passing through the surface, see underneath of it and start thinking in that language is like a journey. Since almost all languages have some kind of syntax, clause structure, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns and pronunciation rules, my initial state of learning german is the combination of the principals of L1and L2 and a fresh start point in my brain which is the desire to learn L3.
2) The Universal Grammer theory was developed through the base of features that are common to all languages.
But, what if there is a language which doesn’t have common properties with others, such as Piraha language? This is the handicap of UG; because Piraha language doesn’t have numerals, words for colors, subordinate clauses, past tense, similar grammatical catogories with other languages. As a conclusion, Piraha language contradicts UG which was built on the idea that all languages have something in common.
1)according to universal grammar theory of chomsky all languages have some patterns which are similar to other languages,ınnateness should be seen in a language somehow.and When learning a second language the first thing which should be done is making inferences from L1.
2)universal grammar theory is proved to be wrong with the existance of piraha people.for example all languages should have number concept according to UG,because we know there s no unique nation and language which doesnt have this concept.but piraha people doesnt..yeap it s really striking but enough for UG to lose popularity.
1) There are two variables which influence the initial state. One of them the availability of the first language grammar ,I mean, the available use of first or second languages’ grammar structures while learning the third one. Structures which are similar can sometimes cause problems ,while some very different parts can be learned more easily with the novelty effect. The other one is the access to UG. While there are a number of different positions that a learner can take within the access to UG position. There are five positions which were outlined, regarding the availability of UG that center around two main variables, transfer and access, by White. Within four of them UG is active and available in some form.
2)Linguists who thought that UG can be falsifiable like, Michael Tomasello who argued that there is no evidence of innate linguistic knowledge in the early utterances of children, had a big chance with Dan Everett’s findings on Brazilian Piraha tribe. These tribe use no subordinate clause and this shocked Chomsky and his followers. Everett claims that the language is created by the culture. Piraha people also do not use numbers and three decade study of Everett ‘s did not help them to count and no single person could count to ten. According to Pinker do not form subordinate clauses, then recursion can not explain the uniqueness of human language just as it can not be a central element of some UG. Chomsky is would be refuted.
1)according to UG, all languages share the same principles of grammer and everybody can learn language whatever his/her nationality is.Because everybody have this ability innately.So, we can easily say that learning a language is possible for all human as grammer is a biological feature of us. If someone already knows a second language, then it is easier for him to learn the third language. The initial state that he will use while learning the third language is to make comparative analysis and associations with L1 and L2 to make it easier to learn.
2)The existence of Piraha people conflicts with Universal Grammar. According to UG, all languages share the same grammatical features, but Piraha people don't use some grammatical structures and everyday words. It is very strange that they have no history, no descriptive words and no subordinate clauses. The question how they communicate with each other comes to my mind. Also, that they don't use any specific grammar clashes with the theory of Chomsky. His theory that everybody has innate knowledge of grammer fails. I think that language is also affected by the environment where people grow and is shaped according to the needs of people. So, I do not completely agree with Chomsky's theory regarding the effect of the environment.
1) In UG, all languages have a general structure basis. All languages have some kind of syntax, clause structure, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, pronunciation etc. So all languages are alike in some ways. When we start learning a third language, we use these similarities or differences; in other words, we are affected by the languages that we have already known. We take into consideration principles and parameters. For example, I know a little Germany, and it has feminine and masculine articles for each words and this situation help me while I am learning Bulgarian.
2) According to UG, all language have a common structural basis. However, this is not happen in Piraha’s language. They haven’t counting system, past tense,… After learning about I don’t think Chomsky is fully acceptable. In my opinion, Chomsky’s theory doesn’t include the effect of society. Chomsky must continue searching on this issue again and again..
1) In UG, all languages have a general structure basis. All languages have some kind of syntax, clause structure, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, pronunciation etc. So all languages are alike in some ways. When we start learning a third language, we use these similarities or differences; in other words, we are affected by the languages that we have already known. We take into consideration principles and parameters. For example, I know a little Germany, and it has feminine and masculine articles for each words and this situation help me while I am learning Bulgarian.
2) According to UG, all language have a common structural basis. However, this is not happen in Piraha’s language. They haven’t counting system, past tense,… After learning about I don’t think Chomsky is fully acceptable. In my opinion, Chomsky’s theory doesn’t include the effect of society. Chomsky must continue searching on this issue again and again..
1)in the process of learning third language,our past experiences on native and foreign language's shared features may help us to construct some clues.common grammatical features,for example sentence order, can show other language's also have these kind of specialities.nearly all of the languages have grammatical and formal conditions whether they have different orders in the sentences or not.because of these,while we are learning third language,we can compare and find some clues to assess and learn the third language.
2)the research on "piraha" tribe may be the prove of the relation between culture and language showing that language is not only affected by grammatical features but also some social affairs.when we consider "ug" concept as a general and exact rule for all the languages' structures,it will be a huge failure."piraha" tribe proved that language is also structured by socio-cultural affairs.the main reason that make "piraha language" different is restrainment on thinking life as a whole including and connecting past,present,future.this tribe just try to live in present and does not need any links except for presence of the needings.they even don't remember their previous generations representatives names.these samples show us that "ug" is not just the unique explanation of a language's nature.
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