Hi Guys,
This week we studied the cognitive models to SLA, why don't you go and enlarge your knowledge about how brain works. Visit Koç Museum, and see the current exhibition. "Beyin: Gizemli Yolculuk", then write your review.
Good Luck,
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3233050007 - (ÇAP)
The brain is the hub of the nervous system. It is made up of 125 billion nerve cells. This number is equivalent to 25.000 kilo of sugar. Each cell is connected to around 10,000 others. So “the total number of connections in your brain is the same as the number of leaves in the rainforest.” This center of cells has not only a kinesthetic function; but a cognitive function as well: learning, moving, giving sudden decision (reflexes)…etc.
Despite its vitality, we don’t know well the process in the brain: how it works. The exhibition in Koç Museum, “Beyin: Gizemli Yolculuk” clarified a little bit this issue. In the entrance of the exhibition there were some written information that define first human brain than there are some explanations about the process in our mind. In terms how our brain works, there are neurons (with queues) that transmit information in the form of electrical signals. In our brain there are around 100 billion neurons that communicate with each other. Hence, through the association, the union, of those neurons; learning occurs. This process continues through all life; yet, with age it slows down. That’s why the older we get, the harder we learn.
After those explanations, there were lots of activities to better comprehend brain’s work and function; but also to evaluate one’s self: “Önyargılı mısınız?”, “Sağ ve Sol yarımkürelerden hangisi ile işliyorsunuz?”, “Kısa süreli hafızanızı test edin”, “Ters Scooter”, “Müzik ve Meditasyon” …etc.Among those activities; I was mostly impressed by “Önyargılı mısınız?”, “Sağ ve Sol yarımkürelerden hangisi ile işliyorsunuz? and “Ters Scooter”
In order to test whether I have prejudices, I was placed in front of a computer. First I was given some pictures. In those pictures there were photos one inside the other. I had to decide which was shown in the picture. Then, I was given some questions (such as when was America discovered?). However, later I had realized that the problem in this activity was not to give the right answer; because I was asked to remember the orthographic mistakes in the sentences. I was so focused to give the right answer that I hadn’t even realized that there were mistakes in the sentences. Actually, my brain was just interested in superficial form! The final part of the test consisted some cards that I had to find out. In a very short time, I was shown some cards that I was asked to determine. (for example, black, two, spade). Determining the cards was not a problem, but after I got used to the activity, I was asked an abnormal card (for example; red, two, spade). However, this time I was more careful, because I had already understood the aim and my brain was working convenient to it. The most surprising thing was that I caught all of the orthographic mistakes (that I had realized none of them) while my friend was doing the same activity. That was again a proof for how the brain works.
The activity to decide whether I was using the right or the left hemisphere of my brain was also interesting. In this activity, I was shown quickly some pictures in a very short time. Just after it, there were two pictures from which I had to decide which one I was associating to the picture showed. The point in this activity was to check if the person was functional or model. For example, in one of the pictures, there was a soldier helmet showed. The two pictures to decide from were a turtle (because it has the same shape and the same color of a soldier helmet) and a weapon (it has the same function because both of them are used in a war by a soldier). After the activity it is said that the damage in the brain can be very local. Even there are some cases that the person can speak accurately but cannot use the verbs (a problem in the left hemisphere, to see the function.) This activity also proves that the learning operation and process of everybody will differ. When we implement this to language learning and teaching, we should be aware of the fact that some student will need the form in order to make associations and learn meaningfully; while others will have to see its function.
Finally, “Ters Scooter” was an important activity to see how the old knowledge influences learning process. In this activity, I had to ride a scooter which was turning to left while I was rotating it to the right; and to right while I was rotating it to the left. It was very hard to get used to it, as I had already stabilized the knowledge. However, after two or three failure, I managed to ride correctly the bike, because like a baby (who wants to reach his/her small bell hung over the bed) I tried, made new connections and associations of neurons.
Arkadaslar kesınlıkle gıtmenız gereken bır muze oldugunu soyleyebılırım.benım beyınle olan sergıdekı her deneyı yapacak vaktım kalmadı 1saatten fazla kalmama ragmen.eger gıtmeyı dusunuyosanız erken gıtmaye ozen gosterın.ayrıca askerı denızaltını ve amerıkanın ılk en ıyı yapılmış yolcu ucagını da gezebılırsınız
Thıs exhıbıtıon explains brain with its all features from both sides of physic and psychology.how does barin work?what does it look like?how strong is it?what are the things that affect brain from bad or good sides?you can find the answersof all questions and another questions you have about brain correctlyin tis exhibition.
After 4.5 milion years barin has got current shape and strength.it doesnt have just individual experiences.ıt has many things beyond visible things.brain Works all th time even you sleep.moreover,it continues to learn.it uses the 1/5 of our all energy.
If looked through barin fromthe part of language,of course,brain has perfect system to learn language and produce words.ı ant to say two titles that impress me”body language is as unique as fingerprints.””body language speaks louder than words.”ı defınitely agree.for ex.(for second)ıf you say ‘ı love you’wıth angry and down face or fast actions of your arms,who believes you?however,you say ‘ı love you’.why dont we believe you?that is the point.your body language tells more things more things than you think.
Finally,ı want to mention about one exercise.ther are many colour names in written within different colours.for ex.’blue’but in green written.firs you read written by timingand then you say just colours again in time.you will see the difference between two times.because the brain is simply accoustomed to reading a word when it sees it that tha process is completely automatic.thus a conflict arises.the brain reads and associates the word blue but must say green.so barin changes automatic process.this exercise also a circle between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
so,brain is boss your body:)
3231060039 m.u.
I have been to Rahmi Koç Museum. I like most the tests and evaluation of yourselves in these tests. Firstly, there are general information about the brain, its features and properties. The most striking one for me is in our brains, there is huge number of neurons that it resembles to 25.000 kg piece of sugar. In spite of its not being heavy, it consumes the 1/5 of our energy. It never stops working and even when we are sleeping it works and we see the dreams, there are also some tests about assessment of sleeping and dreams.
In the second floor, there are lots of activities that you can evaluate yourselves. My favorite one is, holding a cold wire while you’re in pain, you listen the directions and they make you forget the pain and get accustomed to it. After you open your eyes, you feel the pain again. It is good for seeing how concentration works. In addition, you can find whether you have right or left dominance. If you want, with some music, you can associate perfumes with your past experiences by the help of some pictures. And also there is a glasses made from mirror when I wear it I could not walk on the line straight, it was also interesting one.
To sum up, this exhibition is good for exploring and being aware of what our brains do in every day of our lives.
In Rahmi Koç Museum, the exhibition, "Beyin : Gizemli Yolculuk", is about brain's functions and especially the importance of it in our body and life. It isn't same as any other exhibition because here you are not passive,you can check yourself and your brain. there were explanations about brain's competence and significance of it and also you can see materials which are giving concrete messages to the audience for comprehending the features of brain.
there are many pictures around and ıt makes you curious about what is written on boards and pushes you to try all activities.
i think the most interesting one is cold coil. you have to get the headphone, sit down and hold the cold coil. firstly it is cold but while you are listening to the recorded voice of a woman, you start to feel you hand like freezing. but when she is telling you about nice things you start to forget about the cold on your hand. at the end by going wth her words you again feel the freezing cold on your hand. so in description ıt says that by touching you feel pain, cold etc. with your different nerves. again there are 3 coils. when i touched to the one which is in the middle i was frightened. but when i tried the others one was cold the other one was hot. the explanation of my actions is that "when you touch the coil the cold sensitive nerve ends in your hand send a message to brain...the brain gets confused when it receives two conflicting signals..." besides there are some informations about language competence of brain. when we listen a story our left hemisphere understand the words meanings and grammar, and our right hemisphere try to shape common understanding to the story. so language is in our left side of the brain. another thing that i like in the exhibition is testing yourself buy giving answer to the computer. also the real stories which are telling about people who have/had problems with their brain. they are really shocking i think. there are many other things that i didnt mention i tried nearly all of the activities,they are both informative and enjoyable.
my advice for the visitors: go here with your friends because it becomes more enjoyful and you should give at least 1 hour for yourself to visit here.
Firstly, I want to recommend the exhibition to all the ones who have not been able to visit the Koc Museum, because you can gain a lot about your own brain and also valuable information for your classes.
Regarding general information:
One of the first activities when you enter the museum is the one of the brain resembling a walnut. We all know if that the cerebral cortex were not folded we would need extremely large heads to contain it. To visualize this fact you put your head through a hole and see how your head would look like if the cerebral cortex were not folded, by example with a huge walnut on top of your head. But the other purpose of the folding is that otherwise balance would be difficult and the foetus could not be delivered down the birth canal.
I think lots we all heard prejudices of ignorant people, one belonging to this category is "women are less intelligent because their brain is heavier than the male’s". Now we can counter with facts: the brain compromises 2% of the body weight, the male brain IS heavier than the female brain HOWEVER weight has NO EFFECT ON INTELLIGENCE. The weight difference exists due to males` usually being taller/larger than females`, I think therefore it has evolutionary reasons.
Actually something new for me was that a jellyfish is the only creature in the world that has no brain. It just lives in terms of reflexes.
Today when I got up I remembered a weird dream but besides I felt very refreshed and energetic. The reason why I could remember my dream was because I must have woken up during the middle of the dream, since the brain is not able to save content of dreams but you are just able to remember it when you wake up until the middle of a dream. The reason why I must have felt energetic and rested is because I must have slept properly according to my sleeping time for my age. In the museum there was a chart where you can see according to your age how much sleeping time you need. According to my age I need JUST 1,5 hours of deep sleep, 8 hours of general sleep and 16 hours of dreaming sleep.
Right across this chart there was an activity referred to eyes to see if you are brain damaged or not. The example was done with a blue-eyed boy, because the changes in the pupil can be followed or seen better in a coloured eye. A magnifying glass with light was held to the left eye, we could see that the right eye with no light supply widened, as well. Otherwise it would mean that the boy is brain damaged. The boy was really relieved as he could not believe it and exclaimed: "oh be"
Another interesting activity was "words or colours”. Two participants face each other and read colour words ex.” green" which is also coloured in green and in the other try read colour words ex."green" but coloured in anohter colour ex."blue". You read the same amount of words and stop the time. My result for the first example was 10 seconds whereas in the second example 23 seconds. This time difference occurred because the brain automatically reads what it sees but a conflict arises when the word says "green" but is in "blue" colour. The exercise is a battle between the right and left hemisphere of the brain; the right hemisphere takes in colour while the left reads words.
Now I want to share some things that I found quite crucial for language teaching.
There was an exercise in which you had to smell on different aromas and draw them accordingly on a blackboard. When I compared my drawings to my friend’s it was obvious that the had different associations although smelling the same. As one can read from the information: sense impressions form associations. The associations we make depend on who we are and on what we experienced earlier in life. Our sense of smell is the sense the MOST DIRECT line to the brain. The olfactory nerve sends its signal to the area where memory and emotions are processed. This explains why a scent can bring memories rushing back in a fraction of a second. So what this implies for language teaching is the importance or contribution of teaching new words with their smells ex. cinnamon or words that can be related with certain smells for ex. spring with flower smell.
Another considerable exercise is "improving your memory". On a box there is a picture of a table with 3 objects on it. You have 10 seconds to look at it. Then you have to open the box and match the picture just seen with the same one out of 4 possible pictures. The importance is the order of the objects. The answer stated that it is easier to to recognize an object in context than to remember individual things. This can also related to language learning that vocabulary learning in terms of memorization of word lists is useless but learning new words in context is much more effective and useful. Of course this is not only valid for vocabulary teaching but for all aspects in teaching.
Furthermore, another meaningful activity is "touching a cold handle". It investigates your awareness and attention. You have to touch a very cold handle for a few minutes, meanwhile by means of headphones you listen to a person who whether tells you to imagine sitting on a beach and listening to the waves or focusing on the pain evolved by the cold. The outcome is your awareness playing on your sensation of pain. But I think this can also be related to teaching. Because as a teacher you might tell an interesting story but the student could be focusing on something else and would not get anything from your story. So we need to capture or at least try to capture all student’s attention before we begin class to achieve effective teaching.
The last activity I want to share is "hot or cold". Here you have to touch a coil in the middle and then you feel hot and cold at the SAME TIME. When you touch the coil the cold sensitive nerve ends in your hand send a message to the brain but the heat sensitive nerve ends are doing the same. So the brain gets confused when it receives two conflicting signals simultaneously. What this implies for language teaching is that teaching must be done in context, realistic as possible and understandable. For example for the ALM we saw a video in which even a man was acting the housewife and the salesman was referring to him as "lady".
As a conclusion as just listed the exhibition contributes to self-knowledge with reference to language teaching.
Firstly,I want to state that it was a fantastic trip,thank you for making us go there and see the most mysterious part of our body "the brain".
In museum,firstly there are information about brain,how it works,how much energy it consumes then there comes practicing part. It says our brains never sleep even if while we are sleeping, it makes some connections.There are some parts of sleeping,I tested and mostly I have deep sleep.We see our dreams in a half-awakened sleep.Moreover there are some advices for people who have sleeping problems.I jotted these advices down and I will try them after the Finals because I have some sleeping problems,as well.It also says the more we use one part of our brain,the more this part develops,it is interesting.
There is a part where you can practice your brain dominance.I took it and I am left-brained.There is a part in which you can test whether you have so much prejudice or not.
There is one section that I found the most interesting.In this section there is one cold,very cold item,you sit on a chair,there is soft music you capture the cold item and you have pain in your hand because of cold but after listening to music it makes you think good and pleasant things and you forget your pain but when you open your eyes and turn to the real life,you start to feel the pain again.This is so effective because it shows the power of thought.You can also test your short term memory by pressing the buttons.
Lastly,it is not only enjoyable but informative,as well.You gain very useful information about your brain and its function so I strongly advice everybody to go there and have taste.
ı visited 'rahmi koç museum'and ı liked it very much because it helped me to enlarge my knowledge about brain and its functions.first of all,when ı entered the museum ı saw some information about brain.for example,outside of the brain there are some lobes.first one is frontal lobe:it is responsible for controlling and ccoordinating of movement,logical thought process,,solving of problems,creating work,decision making,personality.second one is temporal lobe:initial processing of all sensory impressions,language,hearing,writing,sense of own identity,learning,memory.third one is cerebellum:balance,muscle coordination,planning of movement.forth one is:processing of visual impressions.fifth one is peritetal lobe:processing of the senses of pain,cold,warmth,structure,shape and taste,orientation and association.another thing that ı really found interesting was we have lots of neurons inside of our brain.when these neurons are linked to each other,it has the same lenght as going 15 times between the Earth and the Moon.also ı added the new information to my mind.according to some researchers,the communication between two people is affected from words %2,the way of speaking %38,and body language %55.additionally this information,there was a writing which says:'along your life do the gymnastics mentally.'lastly ı want to say everybody should go to there and learn new things about brain and its features.
3231060052 hocam son yorum benindi numaramı yazmayı unutmuşum kusura bakmayın (ı visited 'rahmi koç museum'and ı liked it very much because it helped me to enlarge my knowledge about brain and its functions.first of all,when ı entered the museum ı saw some information about brain.for example,outside of the brain there are some lobes.)boyle başlayan yorum bana ait iyi akşamlar
The exhibition in Koç Museum, Beyin: Gizemli Yolculuk was a great organization with the attandance of the visitors interactively. There were many pictures and informations made me a little dizzy and activities excited. It had three main parts: General Look To The Human Brain, Thinking Brain (brain activities) and Brain and Body. The tests were really creative. My favorites were “Are You Prejudiced?” and “ Your Hands Would Deceive Your Brain”. The assosiation between the norons form some codes for anything and if you don’t use your brain and choose the easy way you would only watch the world.
After I had visited the museum, I really thought about synesthesia. It means to comprehend collectively. Hearing the colors, seeing the music, smelling the numbers. Isn’t it fantastic that we still don’t know much? I have been trying to use my left hand while I am eating or going somewhere I know in a different directions just to really feel my brain is working with me and for me since the day I went to the museum.
there were lots of tests that you can evaluate yourself.for example there is a cold handle which you at the beginning feel very cold and pain.but after a recordig starts,it says something like:'now think that you are seperated from your body and goes far places.you are on the beach and you are looking at sea...'as you are listening this,you begins to forget pain and cold.ı think it can be used in our lessons and especially in our life.when we focus on important and good things,we ignore bad events and things that make us feel bad.we can take our student's attention with enjoyable things especially in primary scools with plays.that time they learn in a better way.
This week I did an important thing for myself, i went to Rahmi Koç Museum to explore how my brain works. They call it: “The brain: Mysterious Journey” As we know the brain is the manager of our bodies all we do is related to the messages that are sent to it by different neurons. I have got an idea about how brain works, what it is like when it is shape is considered, how it is affected etc. For me, the important thing that I’ve learned was about the shape of our brains. There is a mirror that shows how our heads would look like if our brain weren’t folded like now. Also the fact that it is folded and it consists of curves shows our thinking process. Because it is said that animal’s brains are without curves because they do not have thinking skills. That’s why monkeys are resembled to humans because different from other animals’; monkey’s brains have such curves on it.
Also there were some really important activities that help us meet with our brains. I’ve become aware of the things I have never done consciously before. For example when I touched the cold wire I felt that my hand would freeze if I did not take it but by means of the things told into my ears I did not feel the cold as much as before. So I understand that emotional state of me affects the negativeness or positiveness of the messages that are sent to my brain. Also catching the written forms of the colors was a good activity to activate my left and right brain at the same time.
In conclusion, every one should see the museum to better know themselves.
Beyin:Gizemli yolculuk
Beynimiz bizim en önemli organımızdır bu yüzden onun nasıl oluştuğunu ve nasıl çalıştığını öğrenmek için Koç Müzesinin sunduğu harika bir görsel sunum var herkesin gidip görmesini tavsiye ederim.Bu geziden benm öğrendiklerimi size aktarmak istiyorum,beynimizde bulunan sinirler,Dünya ile Ay arasında 15 kez dolaşabilir,bu da beynimizin ne kadar büyük olduğunu gösteriyo ama kıvrımlarla beynimiz kafa tasımızın içine sığabiliyo.Ayrıca beynimiz ne kadar çok kıvrımlardan oluşuyosa o kadar çok zeki olduğumuzu gösteriyo bize,beynimizn sağ yarım küresi korpus C yapısı beynin 2 yarım küre arasındaki iletişimi sağlayan ve saniyede 4 milyar mesajın ulaşımını sağlayan bu bölge kişi uyku esnasındayken 2,5 ya da 3 milyar mesajlaşma ,kordinasyon işlevi sağlıyo.
-Beyin kalp krizine 3dk dayanabiliyo 5-7dk arası bitkisel hayat 15 dakika sonra ölüm gerçekleşiyo.
YAĞ:Beyindeki yağlar darbelere karşı koruyo ve iletimi hızlandırıyo.İnsan beynine en yakın beyin olarak maymunlar gösteriliyo çünkü onlarınki de bezimki gibi biraz kıvrımlı,hiç beyni olmayan canlı deniz anası sadece refleksle yaşıyo kalbi düzenli olarak dk 20 atıyosa hep öyle atıyodur ne yukarı çıkar nede aşağıya iner omurilik kontrolü ile yaşar.
Beyin 24 saat içerisinde 150gr şeker kullanır.
-Beyinin kendisi ağrı hissetmez bu nedenle Kranyum(kafa tası) açıldıktan sonra anestezi olmadan ameliyat yapmak mümkündür.
_Derinin ince olduğu yerlerde refleks hızlıdır ve sinir hücreleri daha hızlı çalışır.
-Beyin kişinin uykusuz kalmasına
11 gün dayanabilirir 11 gün sonra delirme meydana gelebilir,Kişi uyku esnansında beyin derin uyku dan yüzeysel uykuya geçiş yapap rüyalar yüzeysel uykuda görülür ve ani bişey olup ta uyanmadık ça rüyalar hatırlanmaz.
18-25 yaş arası 8 saat uykuda 1.5 -2saat derin uyku yetelidir.
sağ ve sol beyni çalıştırmak için harika bir aktivite
KELİMELER VE RENKLER FARKLI OLACAK ŞEKİLDE hızlı okuyarak sağ ve sol beynin çalıştırabilirsiniz.
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