
SLA Quiz


Go to this website and check yourselves, there are some quizzes about second language acquisition. After doing them write a comment on them


Good Luck,

Tuncer Can


Anonymous said...

The exercises included different types.Matching, multiple-choice, crossword, and putting into sequence.
The first one was matching statements to true or false that were rather easy because their content was known to me due to class topics.
The second was rather easy to answer again because child first language acquisition and the order of morpheme acquisition was discussed in class, as well.
My difficulites began in the third activity where I had to find the exact term instead of choosing from given answers.Therefore I could see that I unfortunately do not have the exact terminology all the time and required knowledge.

The meeting with the unknown terminology continued in the 5th activity =) in the examples of telegraphic and holophrastic utterances.
But with the gained knowledge I was able to put the stages of language acquisition in order in terms of months in 6.
In the following activity first one has to decode the type of utterance and then match it with the stage of development, and again the gained information about telegraphic and holophrastic was helpful.
The other activity concerned adults´speech to children with true or false answers which could easily be answered due to class content and the video we watched about child development.
In the developmental stage activity there was a question first referring to an unfamiliar topic which was answerable due to language acquisiton knowledge, which showed that background knowledge can be used efficiently for solving new information and not only old.
In the semantic realtions of two-word utterances one had to match the examples with certain patterns which gave me a better insight into frequently formed child utterances.
In the last activity stages of vocal production had to be ordered. This could be done by the information gained by the video watched in class.
The quizzes made me make use of background information, gaining deeper insight and learning new terms dealing with language acquisition.


Anonymous said...

Each of the quizzes helped me to make anything I learnt during the lesson much more concrete. With the aid of those exercises, I could have a chance to see my deficiencies.

While answering most of the questions, I made use of the information that I gained from the video we watched before the exam. In that video we saw the language development stages suh as laughtering, babbling, holophrastic utterances, interaction with the environment etc.. In the quizzes I came across most of the things we mentioned during this lesson. The only part in which I had difficulty was the crossword section. In this part I see that I don’t know most of the terminology such as protowords, stopping, consonantharmo etc.. So, I can say that it was difficult in those terms. On the other hand, by using my previous knowledge both from the lectures you gave and my own readings it wasn’t diffcult to match the child language acquisition stages with the information given. As we are also familiar with stages of development from the previous term, no problem occured there.

And besides those, keeping in mind the language development stages my 18-year-old cousin has experienced and still experiencing also helped me a lot.


Anonymous said...

there are lots of quiz types like True-False,multiple choices..etc.. first quizes were rather easier for instance i just made 1 mistake from the first quiz.. but i think these question types are nothing to with our teacher Mr.tuncer's style because the questions are all about information rather than thinking-judgements..we dont have to think so much just memorizing all the terms in the books is enough which i found completely useless in terms of our lecture..we read someone saying i couldnt learn anything from this course in previous year's comments,and i think that person would like to have that kind of quizes rather than being creative to learn...

Anonymous said...

I think, these exercises are really usefull to bring back our old information that we have learned in our SLA courses.They are informative but they are enjoyable as well. They do not bore the learner.

When the level of them is considered it is a fact that it is avaliable for all , who have studied SLA.

Especially in crossword puzzle exercise there were lots of unknown phrases for me. It took lots of time and it tired me.But by giving hints it encourages the learner to find the phrase.Matching exercises seemed very usefull to me.While doing those, i felt that i rewieved my knowledge about Sla.I mean, those are game like quizzes and also good kind of brain storming activity.Also multiple choice exercise is helpful.But, as it requires the specific knowledge it is harder to solve than the other ones.

Briefly, i like these exercises and i have added them into my computer’s frequently visited sites to do them again after a few days.


Anonymous said...

there are different kinds of activities in this website such as matching,crossword puzzle,two word utterances and multiple choice activities.Most of the exercises are related to the topics that we learnt in this lesson.so,I didn't have difficulty.
Acquısıtıon of the sounds and words in critical period,the order of morphemes and learning of tenses are essentıal for the first activities.Moreover,by studying effects of imitatıon,nature or intelligence on language acquısıtıon,which were our exam questions in this lesson,you can answer them.the other topics related are babbling,motherese,fossilization...In the matching section,there are questions about the stages of babies' language development.the video that we watched in the last lesson is also helpful.for instance,we learnt in which months babies are babbling,how the order of producing sounds is or whether language is in mind or not.
but,I have difficulty in therminology.and,some activities necessitates memorization of acquısıtıon terms .you may not remember some of them although you know the answer.

Anonymous said...

3233050007 (ÇAP)

There was a variety type of exercise such as True-False, Multiple Choice Exercise, Crossword, Matching Exercise. The first two quizzes were rather easy because any specific terminology was not necessary. However, like most of my friends, I found the third exercise really difficult, because I was supposed to find exact names and terminology. Although some of the answers were familiar to me, I had to benefit from the hints most of the time.
The forth exercise was easy, because those were the subjects discussed in the class, read in the book and watched in the video. But the although from the video, and in "Gelişim ve Öğrenme" I had learnt this terminology of language development, I realized I had forgotten them. So, I spent some time in remembering them. But, after this exercise, I found the next exercises easy, because most of the terminology was fixed with the previous exercise.
Finally, although some of the exercises were a little bit difficult, with those quizzes I re-evaluated myself and I think that I applied my knowledge acquired from the video as well as from what I have read previously. Moreover, as the same terminology was repeated in all the exercises, I learnt them unconsciously, without making so much effort.

Anonymous said...

- 1st exercise is easy to do.That exercise has general information about language acquisition.I can do that exercise without any dfficulty and thanks to the information I get from course.

-2nd one is also easy because specific information is not needed.When you an examle of a baby's speech in your life,you can answer that questions easily and also the instructions given in questions helped me while answering.

-3rd exercise is really difficult for me.As this exercise wants the certain word,I could not achieved to answer it completely correct.

-5th one is a bit easy,I could answer it partly.There are parts of baby speech,it is really informative.

-6th exercise is the easiest one I think.When you know the terms'(holophrastic utterances,cooing,telegraphic utterances and babbling)meanings,it is easy to match them with the ages.

-7th exercise is about the stages of development.It is again about the terms in the 6th exercise.It is easy because it is like carrying out the 6th one again.

-8th one is easy thanks to the informetion taken in the class.

-9th exercise is really difficult for me because I do not know so much about the choices so I could not manage it.But maybe with being more cautious while reading the questions,I could have been more successful in that exercise.

-10th one is Two-word stage.it is easy I think anybody who knows what is subject,object,possession...can fulfil that exercise easily.

-11th exercise is First vocal productions.I could answer it by trying to remember the video we watched about language acquisition.

To sum up,these exercises help me to remember some important points in language acquisition and they trigger my background knowledge about that topic.


Anonymous said...

They are good for review of what we learned in the lessons.Questions are are mainly based on information rather than interpretation. I think,true-false sections easier.in crossword section,I cannot find answers because there are unknown parts for me and I try hints but usually they don’t work.some of the matching exercises are easy but the last quizzes aren’t.and also I learned some definitions with the help of this quizzes such as cooing,reduplication etc..two word utterances are a bit complex,after some trials I did it.the movie we watched in lesson and some of the terms that we learned from last year’s lessons help me while answering these questions.

Anonymous said...

There are different kinds of quizes in the website.After doing these quizes, I learned the definitions of some terms such as telegraphic and holophrastic utterance, vocalization etc. These quizes are very informative, but they don't make any contribution to the interpretation of these terms.These terms need to be searched deeply to comprehend completely.As for the difficulty level of them, they were not so hard to answer as we had the old information given in our lessons before. While doing these exercises, i used my old information.

Anonymous said...

All the activities are related to the topics that we learnt in thİS lesson.So,I didn't have difficulty.but,some terms must be memorized and therminology exercises need to span the topics in the book again
firstly,true false questions are about how the babies acquıre language or when they begin to speak and response the stimulı.also another important thing that we focused on in the lesson is whether language is in mind or not.if you understand them in the lesson,you will find the questions easy.babbling,fossilization,the common order of acquırıng morphemes and tenses are a few of them.
as I said above you must memorize some terms for the last activities.Explanatıons of telegraphic and holophrastic utterances or protowords should be constructed in our mind not to look at the course book again and again.They wants us to have information,you don,t need to make critical judgements or comments unlike We did in our exams.

Anonymous said...

Firstly I don’t want to tell about the types or numbers of exercises in that website,I want to say something about their benefits.As one we all know the aims of doing exercises, one of the most important aim of doing exercise is to make our information unforgetable and re-learn or revise them to evaluate our self knowledge.
Some of these exercises are really didactive because while doing these I enjoyed very much and saved most of them to my computer to use in my future classes and some of them are easy form e because of my background information because of the familiarity .I call them easy because I did them or chose the correct answer without thinkibg log or hesitation.but in the meantime some of them are very challenging for me and nearly I would say that am I on the correct websites or am I reading in English,I think this problem arises from the familiarity again,İf I learned them before I had no problem any more also If l didnot learn the ones which I found easy to answer again I would find them difficult or challenging.(But I also admit that I have learned useful terminology about language and process of SLA these exercise broden my mind and my perspective to look at language learning.some of them affected me most like classifying or matching the true)

Finally,I think it is a all matter of familiarity to call them easy or difficult,depending upon our previous knowledge we can build a building.LEARNING or ACQUİRİNG a second or thirh language is like that process,first you get the new information then you combine it with the old after all you can come up with a couple of renewed information.And with using this renewed information you can develop your mind,skills related to language or any thing else because ıt helps us while making meaning the things we come across in the life.


Anonymous said...

nearly all the tests are related to information about language acquisition process.if you don't know much about this topic,you may have difficulty while you're answering them.ı tried my best to answer all the questions.it helped me to remember some critical points about the topic.ı had the chance to check my previous information that we had in courses.different types of tests were also important and effective to take the attention and remember the things that we already knew.ı also had the chance to check my answers after ı finished them.ı can't say it's totally perfect,but it helped me to remember much thing about language acquisition.


Anonymous said...

WITH THESE TESTS I have REMEMBERED what ı have learned durıng tuncer hoca`s lessons.these games or quizzes are really prepared ıntellıgently.as ı see what ı have learned through these quizzes now ı can depend on my own knowlege about language acquısıtıon more.3231060009

Anonymous said...

I didnt memorise the rules or whatever it is but ı could do all of tehe exercises it shows that ı have learned well accordingly u teach well or u have chosen questions which we can do easily in order to make us to believe how successful we are in this lesson and to make us not to be afraid of being unsuccessful:)i dont know infact these kinds of exercises are not your types but ı am trying to believe that you have given them as homework for a good aim

Anonymous said...

I think with these exercises we practised what we learned in the lesson. they are not very difficult. and they are sequenced easy to difficult. ıt has different kinds of exercises. while answering the questions I think that if I acquıred the lesson or learned. firstly I think it is a learning but then I realize that I also acquire smt. unconciously in the lesson.there are both acquisition and learning. I think it is about familiarity to call them easy or difficult.

Anonymous said...

the exercises got more and more difficult for me since ı came across with some unknown phrases,for instance ı didn't have an idea about telegraphic phrase until ı did that exercise,actually,ı know its content,but ı didn't know what it's called.anyway,my knowledge was inadequate for these exercises,so ı had an opportunity to revise what ı have learned and to study again developmental stages of language acquisition.
ın fact,these were really helpful for me to evaluate my knowledge on SLA and to complete my inadequate fields.


Anonymous said...

I have tried to do exercises from some of them, but it is getting difficult for me because unknown words, phrases and informations are there. In acqusıtıon lesson gives us opportunıty to learn them, but now I have not enough information to give answer all the questions. Both acquısıtıon and linguistic lessons are beneficial for us in the future as an teacher in terms of every aspect.

Anonymous said...

the SLA quiz is really educational and enjoyable.ın the first part there is a true-false test. all statements are known for me because ı learn these thanks to my tutor. with videos and examples, i could acquire knowledge about language process. also ı get a chance to see my knowledge about the lesson(SLA).
the second one,mostly about first stage of language acquisition -babling stage- these stage also give new informations and there you can get points ıt can motivate the answerer. especially crossword is hard for me. frankly ı cant give true answers to all. then the matching excercise is easier than others because you have reminders next to the statements. there are unknown words, notions etc. but really helpful for check and myself and add new infos to my mind. :)


Anonymous said...

I think nearly all the questions in this website is about what we learn during the term.At the beginning I thought that I cant do these questions.However,while I am doing quizes,I can do most of them without difficulty and I become aware that actually I learn lots of things about SLA.
As for third question,crossword,I come across some words which I have never heard before,like my friends.
Lastly,I want to say that these questions need knowledge;these can not be be done by the help of interpretation.Even,some of them need memorization..


Anonymous said...

In my opinion,these tests were very beneficial for me.There were funny small tests and a crossword puzzle.Answering all questions properly required some memorization.By doing those tests,I both learned new ones and refreshed my memory.However,there was some server error in application and I could not finish some tests.

Anonymous said...

ı think ths exeercıses are perfect to understand your knowledge about the all subjcts ın our lesson.
some knowledge ıs gıven only with writing some with puzzle some picture matching...ı mean there are some types for multıple ıntellıgence.and thıs affect your derstndıng.tests are composed of only neccessary knowledge-may be the most neccessary-not extra and unneccessary knowledge.thıs shows how convenıent for studying on them.
ı dont understand some:)there are a few hard exercıses that ı have never seen before.so ı dıffıculty ın doing.
fınally ı thınk one who try to do these exercıses and dont know about the LA definitely learns important ınformation about ıt
3231060039 m.u.

Anonymous said...

The questions in the web site are well-prepared, I think. They are related with SLA and actually they include what we learn in the lang acquisition lesson. To tell the truth, some of the questions are difficult for me, maybe because of some prases that I have not heard before. but the others are not difficult.

I want to focus on another feature about the questions. As I said before they are prepared well. Preparing them requires special care. While creating them, you must be careful about the language you use and about other choices that are not true. Because other choices must be deceptive. Thank's for this experience...


Anonymous said...

It is a good site for testing what you know, but it was difficult for me because of some unknown terms.Answering these quwstions need more knowledge:))

Anonymous said...

All the exercises in the quiz were could be answered by using SLA lessons and also our observative knowlegde in life. There were both difficult and easy questions, but the real issue is all the questions of different parts were pushing you to think .In addition to that it was useful and fun to check myself about the terminology, some names and phrases.


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Abdulaziz said...

Hi All,

I like your blog and how it is well desinged for L2 students and I think its very helpful for SLA students.

I took the SLA Quiz for the first time and I took 40%, and I still think that I could do more.

It is realy good that I find in your blog different issues concern about second language Acquisition . It is updated and very active blog.

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